Janod Mademoiselle rozi skuter

Kretanje cijene
Ideal for use on outdoor trips, this smart retro-style working wooden balance bike (no pedals) stylised as a scooter, helps toddlers develop their balance and coordinatio... Pročitaj cijeli opis
117,60 €
9-11 dana
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Ideal for use on outdoor trips, this smart retro-style working wooden balance bike (no pedals) stylised as a scooter, helps toddlers develop their balance and coordination. They will be able to imitate older children and will find it easier to learn how to ride a bicycle without training wheels. This wooden scooter has as adjustable saddle that adapts to the child’s growing height from 32cm to 36.5cm. It also as ergonomic handles in rubber and inflatable tyres. This delight also includes a bag that may be detached and reattached using a hook and loop system in which children can store their cuddly toys and treasures collected during their expeditions. This wooden toy requires some assembly and is presented in a closed branded presentation box with plastic carry handle. Wooden balance scooter Decorated in pink, white and silver Adjustable seat height of 32 to 34cm Has ergonomic rubber handles and inflatable tyres Includes a detachable storage bag Develops balance and physical strength Encourages exploration and movement Made of wood (birch) and rubber Approximate dimensions: 77cm x 33.5cm x 51cm Suitable from 3 to 5 years
Janod Mademoiselle rozi skuter
Janod Mademoiselle rozi skuter
117,60 €
u ozone.hr

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