Monster Prom: Second Term

Monster Prom: Second Term

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Content Caution

Monster Prom features mature themes, naughty words and some objectively bawdy scenarios, not suited for the sheepish or the faint of heart. Pl... Pročitaj cijeli opis
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Cijena je osvježena danas od 16:42.

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Ponuda trgovine za proizvod Monster Prom: Second Term. Ispravnost cijene i podataka provjeri na web stranici trgovine.
Platforma Za koje uredaje je igra. PC = osobno racunalo/ laptop; PS2 = PlayStation 2; PS3 = PlayStation 3; PSP = PlayStation Portable
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Content Caution

Monster Prom features mature themes, naughty words and some objectively bawdy scenarios, not suited for the sheepish or the faint of heart. Please bear this in mind before playing.


There’s only 3 weeks left before prom and you haven’t got a date yet..and you’re a monster. But that’s okay ‘cause at your high-school everyone else is too! These are the stepping stones into the world of Monster Prom, a one-to-four player competitive dating sim that has you thinkin I never knew I was into that!

Choose your own adventure and get all the way to your special monster’s heart before anyone else does, take personality quizzes to determine your stats, get into all kinds of funny and absurd situations to seduce your sweetheart and find out more about yourself than you or your friends ever knew.

Play to your strengths to earn better rewards, discover and unlock items that boost your chances at your favourite fiend’s fondness and fight the good fight all in the name of the thing high-schoolers dream of: not going to the prom alone.

Grab up to three friends or play by yourself, enjoy the beautiful art, the witty dialogue and be prepared to make hard choices because at the end of the cruel, cut-throat world of Monster Prom there are only two types of people: lovers and losers. Being a monster is hard, but getting a date for prom is even harder!

MINIMUM:OS: Win 7 or higherProcessor: Anything from the last 5 yearsMemory: 4 GB RAMStorage: 1 GB available space
CD KEY - Ovo nije fizički artikal. Proizvod se dobije u obliku koda; putem maila. Dostava je besplatna.
Monster Prom: Second Term
Monster Prom: Second Term
4,99 €

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